Here are a couple of video testimonials for KD Gold.
Can’t Imagine Life Without It
I can’t imagine life without KD Gold. I feel so safe having it in my kitchen, cleaning the countertops and dishes with it, using it on produce, even spraying it on packaged meat, fish and fowl to remove the pesticides and cleaning products the stores use. Great for stains. Always carry some with me so I don’t have to use the smelly soap in public washrooms. Terrific to put on burns and bug bites. Laundry. Fabulous glass cleaner at the lowest possible dilution.
The Webgoddess, Minnesota
KD Gold Soap Great for RV Use
We travel in an RV and water is precious. Since we don’t want to use a lot of water to soak a dirty pan, it’s so great to just spray a pan with KD Gold and let it sit for a couple minutes, then easily remove the cooked-on food. Space is also a premium in an RV, and having one product that does so many jobs is just great. We keep it in concentrate until we need it, then mix it into one or two spray bottles that can take care of several jobs. Space saving AND healthy!
BJ, based in Las Vegas
Soap cleans grass stains, permanent marker stain, cat urine, head lice, greening grass
In several short weeks I have come to love this product. I use the concentrate, and dilute it myself. I am amazed by how well KD Gold works on everything. I have used it to clean grass-stained work clothes, kill ants, sprayed on potato plants to remove flea beetles, washed my car, carpet, counters, and removed permanent marker from a fabric bag, and my hands. It has worked on everything I can think of. I’ve sold it to people for cleaning cat urine, head lice removal, and actually saw it turn my grass green where a neighbor’s dog had urinated all winter. This stuff is beyond amazing!
Diane A., Pennsylvania
Pure soap for sensitive skin condition
Cleaning with KDGold is incredible!! But…..when used on our son who has a rare disorder involving the skin “Ectodermal Dysplasia” we were amazed!!! He is chemically sensitive, bathing was painful he would cry very excruciating!! Ever since we have used the KDGold for his bathing he DOES NOT CRY! He is 16 and it has been so long since we have found a product for him, we have tried a lot of “natural” products this is amazing. I cried because he wasn’t.
Kelly B., Indiana
Pure natural soap for kitten cleaner, shampoo, body wash, laundry
WOW! WOW! WOW! I thought kittens hated water…and baths. Well not anymore. This soap smells so fresh and un-chemically, the kitty is not afraid of bathing. I personally am getting sick of all the toxic chemicals that are EVERWHERE Just ready to pounce on you and destroy your health…well it ends here! KD Gold is absolutely the dream cleanser, cleaner, sanitizer, soap, shampoo, body wash, laundry detergent, bleaching, hand soap, dish soap, and bug repellent that I have been looking for in an all in 1 container, and all i have to say is THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART for finally coming up w/ an all natural product that not only works…boy does it…but also gives you so MUCH that this stuff literally lasts you forever. A gallon of this lasts such a long time, that i am saving so much money not buying everything all in different places, all toxic mind you. So thanks again and keep up the good work, oh and yes, kitty is clean…AND HAPPY, and so am I.
Your friend in health, Sheila
KD GOLD for skin treatment, hives, body wash, hand soap, fruit wash, scum cleaner
WOW….who would have thought it possible…no more itching, red skin for me!!! As far back as I can remember I have suffered with itching, red hives on my hands and feet after every shower/bath I took due to allergies to just about every soap out there. Then I stumbled across KD Gold on the internet. It sounded too good to be true, so i decided to just try a sample to see for myself. KD Gold is an awesome product. I have used it as a body wash in the shower, hand soap at the sinks, fruit wash to remove pesticides, baths for my dogs( bye bye fleas!) germ/soap scum cleaner for the bathtubs, the list goes on….and I only bought a sample! I am back for the gallon!!!!! This has changed the way I look/think about smelly, dangerous chemicals in my home. We will all be so much healthier!!!! Thanks for a life changing product.
Candy K., Arkansas
KD GOLD for the Chemically Sensitive
The best product in the world, for every single task. I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivity so was thrilled to have this product recommended to me. It is truly sensational, & I will never use anything else! Thank you!
Penelope B., California